Gloom and Loom at BBG

Gloom and Loom at BBG
Artist's rendering of proposed development along eastern perimeter of BBG

Friday, May 2, 2014

Tenants Are Organizing

I've been attending CB9 meetings as well as participating, as acting secretary of the Stoddard-Ludlam-Sullivan Block Association. Word is out that area landlords are doing their best (worst) to force out longtime tenants in the interest of gauging new, and paler, tenants. One bedrooms being divided into two, twos into threes, repairs neglected, or started and abandoned. The usual hideosities. Residents are fighting back and I can assure you that area homeowners stand with them. I was encouraged to watch this video report on the growing effort to unionize tenants in Crown Heights. this story on The New York Times online this week. Read all about it!