Gloom and Loom at BBG

Gloom and Loom at BBG
Artist's rendering of proposed development along eastern perimeter of BBG

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Latest Shakedown: Intro.775

Today, the bought and sold Chairs of the City Council's Land Use and Landmark Committees proposed a new bill, Intro.775, the latest shakedown by the shadow government of NY, the real estate industry.

BRE (Big Real Estate) is chomping at the bit for this one. Under the guise of mandating efficiency in the landmarking process, Intro.775 would impose strict deadlines for site consideration AND render any site ineligible for reconsideration for 5 YEARS after a blown deadline, during which time our city's threatened, shared architectural heritage will be pillaged for, well, you know.

What the city SHOULD be doing is mandating additional resources to the Landmarks and Preservations Commissions in order to speed the process. You might remember that back in November of last year, the New York Landmarks Conservancy was on the verge of eliminating nearly a hundred buildings from consideration; some had been waiting for a determination for twenty years. Mind you, the mandated research in support of landmarking can itself take years and cost thousands of dollars. The outcry was swift and loud, and the Conservancy backed down in June. Read all about it here.

Imagine if all the great world capitals allowed this rampant pillaging of their historic buildings. Please contact your City Council person ASAP. And sign this letter of protest written by the good, hard-fighting people of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation. DO IT TODAY. The outcry must again be swift and LOUD.

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